

 [乃咫 nota] はパンケーキスタイルの銅鑼焼きと日本各地から取り寄せた和紅茶のお店。国の登録有形文化財である久保家住宅(旧今尾景年家住宅)土蔵という、歴史を感じる素敵な空間。銅鑼焼きはオーダーしてから生地を焼き始め、上には生クリーム、周囲にはナッツやドライフルーツが散りばめられ見た目も華やか。好みで自家製黒蜜をたっぷりかけて。和紅茶は、スッキリした香りとほんのり蜂蜜の風味が特徴的です。

Nota is a shop that serves pancake-style dorayaki and Japanese black tea ordered from all over Japan. A wonderful space where you can feel the history of the Kubo family residence (formerly Imao Keitoshi family residence), which is a registered tangible cultural property of the country. The dough for dorayaki starts baking after you order it, and it looks gorgeous with fresh cream on top, nuts and dried fruits scattered around. You can add plenty of homemade brown sugar syrup if you like. Japanese black tea is characterized by a refreshing aroma and a slight honey flavor.


[乃咫 nota] は、烏丸駅、四条駅、烏丸御池駅徒歩5分。麓寿庵の横の路地奥です。細い路地を抜けて中庭を通りようやく店内へ。

[Nota] is a 5-minute walk from Karasuma Station, Shijo Station, and Karasuma-Oike Station. It’s in the back alley next to Rokujuan. After passing through a narrow alley and passing through a courtyard, you will find the store in a beautifull 「kura」Japanese storehouse.

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〒604-8217 京都市中京区六角通新町西入西六角町101番地
101 Nishirokkaku-cho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto



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11:00 – 21:00

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